J.Evander's Greetings & Beyond
                                     TO MY GRANDMOTHER: DEE DEE

No one can know, all the special ways you made us feel; 
  For time has been kind to us all, having afforded us  the Comfort of your Presence:
When you come to mind, I can sense the ever so tender flowers of Beauty and Variety;
  spreading their appeal for all to enjoy and partake of their delicacies:

So much was your presence appreciated, by all from afar and near;
  That it brought to mind a sense of calm, even by the mention of your name, Dot-Dear:
We know you loved us all, from the eldest, to the newest grand;
  That the abundance of your love, can be felt and likened to the 
innumerable grains of sand:

Thinking of words that can express the depth of meaning of what, to us , you meant;
      Mere words can not explain, what our hearts can faintly understand, therefore,
sentiments must be heavenly sent:
      Likened unto a palm tree, that stands and lives by the life giving water,
funneled through its strong roots.
      You, like the palm tree, have stood firm and solid throughout all the 
multiple storms and raging winds;
      Can now take your place in the heavenly abode, 
to receive that crown of Life, that you surely did win.

  The gentle tenderness that you shared with each of us, 
as you greeted us with a smile;
  Made us all feel very special, while in your presence, 
and after departing, for quite a while:
  I know all of us can recall precious memories, and hold them very dear;
How you showered us with cards of appreciation and love, 
   each and every birthday year:

Even your name has special significance, of love and unparalleled sacrifice;
  Pearlie, a pearl of great fortune and beauty, you were our prized jewel,
known in Scripture as "A Pearl of great price.”

   Moments of tender appeal, echo throughout the chambers of time and space;
Although you have gone, their impact and meaning can never be erased:
  Speaking of the eternal order, one stands out as delectable, as it is bold;
Of how your sweetness of character is portrayed, by your own recipe of
  exotic home baked rolls:

Although we gather at this time to morn, salute, and say our farewells to you,
  We know that all is better for you now, no more pain or worry, just 
a life brand new:
  For in that we know that you lived a life, most pleasing to God;
Your spirit is now free to unite with your devoted beloved one, who before 
  you, did depart:
Your life was a mark, of a True Saint;
  Our hearts are saddened by your departure, but our spirits shall 
be renewed, and not faint:

   I thank God, for the time He allowed us to know and enjoy you, 
for in you, we did see;
  A candle of ever-flowing love and concern, as we lovingly called you Dee-Dee:
Goodbye for now, rest in God's eternal peace and in His ever Loving Hands;
  We will carry your message of love forever, and cherish you for making us 
welcome, and apart of the Great Phillips Clan:

  Lovingly: Your grandson: Van J.Evander Lyons

Pearlie Phillips 
Dot Dear
"Light A Candle" with Words of Sentiments to Family and Friends 
THE OLD RUGGED CROSS 50 instrumental Great Hymns Treasury

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At this time, in this place, we pause and reflect upon the life and seasons, 
   of a special loved one, whose essence,  
gives meaning and passion, to par-excellence.

Her life, like a song, begins in the year of our Lord, nineteen hundred and twenty-two;
   Having the conscious of order, from a sibling line of fourteen, personifying a purposeful clue:
From the paternalistic influence her name was given,
   and a decree to excel was encased;
Keeping in tune with the United Negro College Fund's slogan,

Simply stated, her name not only came from her father's  
    but it also meant that she had his spirit and desire to excel  
to great heights of educational greatness.

To her siblings and others, she set the tone for  
    fundamentals in reading from the printed word;
That the quest and passion for reading was ignited, 
   and  considered superb:
To this, she would recall a chapter in explicit detail,
    leaving one hanging on every word and verse;
That the fires of learning were kindled and fed, 
   giving  IMAGINATION a  time to rehearse:

The Father’s blessing were upon her, when it came time to prepare a meal; 
   From seemingly little or nothing she prepared (mouth watering) feasts, 
that it did not even seem real:

She indeed was a mountain of a storyteller, filling everyone around, with wander and anticipation;
   Not only motivating, but inspiring to all to make reading a part of one's occupation.

The pristine magnificence of her oratorical greatness, indeed, arrested one in their tracks';
   As though the intelligence in her voice, sanitized time and space, forcing ignorance, to retract:

Her song continues, as she lit the torch for academic excellence, while attending Lemoyne as an L.P.N; 
   Her persistence paid off as she was on the Dean’s list, from beginning to end; 
Her mastery in education was carried out in the class room as she would eventually invest: 
   In the minds and leaders of tomorrow, teaching them mathematical ingenuity, at its very best:

Like her favorite color pink suggest, and somewhat gives us a view:
   Into her true uniqueness, and refinement of character giving us a clue:
Warm and charming, never raising her voice when perhaps a bit upset;
   Having the soundness of heart and mind to let things take their own coarse and never fret:

As true as time, when the dew drops of heaven refreshen, and give life;
   A life comes into the eternities, with the allotted Points in time.
A time for every purpose, God has made Everything beautiful in it’s time;
   We honor you, and will miss you much,
  Very grateful you were here, to accomplish “Your Purpose"

Poet: J.Evander Lyons 
Your nephew